Caravan Featured in Broadcast Hot Picks for MIPCOM

Caravan’s new true crime documentary, Drowning In Lies for Channel 5, has been featured in Broadcast’s ‘Hot Picks’ for International Co-Production & Entertainment Content Market, MIPCOM. The series will be distributed by Beyond Rights.

As reported in Broadcast, Drowning In Lies is a true-crime documentary about the case of Donald McPherson, who discovers the body of his wife Paula floating fully clothed in the pool at their holiday home in Denmark. Though at first sight the incident appears to be an accident, the ambulance crews notice worrying marks on Paula’s body and Donald is tried for murder. The case against him collapses – but it emerges that Donald McPherson is not his real identity.

The two-parter traces ‘Donald McPherson’s’ secret past in a larger-than- life tale that spans the globe. From his unusual upbringing in New Zealand, the journey takes viewers through the minimum 13 different identities he has held, a first wife and child who died in mysterious circumstances, a multimillion-dollar fraud, jail and connections to the American mafia.

‘There’s this huge mystery around it, and there’s a lot of demand for this kind of content’ Sarah Bickley, Head of Sales, Beyond Rights

Read more here

Find us on Disney+

Caravan’s latest specialist factual film for National Geographic, Lost Cities with Albert Lin: The Great Flood, has been added to streaming service Disney+. In the special, Albert Lin goes on a global adventure, from icy Black Sea depths to the heights of the Peruvian Andes, searching for origins of Great Flood stories.

It joins Caravan series Buried Secrets of the Bible with Albert Lin, also for National Geographic, which debuted on Disney+ when the streamer launched in 2019.

Watch us on Disney+ here

Caravan Wins at New York Festivals TV & Film Awards

Two of Caravan’s latest films have won awards at the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards 2022. The Wimbledon Kidnapping, produced for Sky Documentaries, won Gold in the Feature Documentary category. The Anti-Vax Conspiracy, produced for Channel 4, won Bronze in the Current Affairs category. Both documentaries are distributed by All3Media International.

In the UK, ‘The Wimbledon Kidnapping’ is available to stream on NOW, whilst ‘The Anti-Vax Conspiracy’ is free to watch on All4.

See the full Winners Gallery here

Alaskan Dinosaurs
Premieres on NOVA

Caravan’s latest film Alaskan Dinosaurs premieres this week on NOVA / PBS in the USA. Discover how “life finds a way” with paleontologists making breakthrough discoveries in a breath-taking place. Congratulations to all crew and scientists involved in this fascinating documentary.

Alaska’s wild frontiers are the opposite of the luscious jungles and tropical swamps where most people think dinosaurs lived. Yet paleontologists are discovering a remarkable diversity of unique species lived above the arctic circle 70 million years ago – where they had to endure freezing temperatures, food shortages and at least four months of total darkness.

Now, Dr Pat Druckenmiller and Dr Gregory Erickson lead a pioneering crew on two gruelling expeditions, to the vast arctic tundra and unchartered alpine wilderness, in search of buried fossils and elusive trackways which overturn our understanding of the prehistoric world. Who lived here and how could they survive?

Working with world-class researchers they explore the geology and climate of an extinct polar environment and the adaptations – diet, hibernation, thermoregulation – which helped dinosaurs not only to survive but to thrive in it, even finding tantalising evidence of multiple species reproducing in the coldest parts of the planet. Using cutting-edge advances in paleontology, they can piece together the extraordinary lost world of arctic dinosaurs.

Watch here