Channel 4 / ARTE

The Anti-vax Conspiracy

Made in collaboration with Quicksilver, this feature length documentary explores who is behind the international anti-vax movement, spreading the message that Covid is a myth and part of a government plot to inject us with dangerous vaccines.

Director Colette Camden and producer Flora Bagenal go inside the astonishing world of the anti-vaxers and their opponents, ranging from “bleach hunter” mothers who expose anti-vaxers profiting from lethal fake cures, to Piers Corbyn, the brother of the former British Labour leader, who believes the vaccine rollout is equivalent to experiments carried out in Nazi concentration camps. At the root of much of this is disgraced British doctor Andrew Wakefield, whose debunked study linking vaccines and autism helped spark the anti-vax movement.

Where can I watch?

Click here to watch The Anti-vax Conspiracy.

Awards & Reviews

Winner: The AIBs 2021 – Investigative Documentary


Executive Producers – Dinah Lord & Eamonn Matthews
Director – Colette Camden
Producer – Flora Bagenal
Editor – Livia Serpa
Composers – Andrew Skeet & Nathan Klein
Production Manager – Ali Watt